He really did want Lieutenant Short to have a wonderful life. In the meantime he wondered if he would ever get the opportunity to work with him again. He enjoyed the male companionship, he had been working with Gina for over a year, now he was her boss. She was definitely not going to like that little fact.
“Busy?” She was standing in the doorway of his office.
“Hey,” he said getting up and almost running to the door.
“Well looks like you are happy to see me.” She replied.
“Of course I am. Why would you think differently?” Simon asked.
“I have not been gone that long.” She offered.
“True, but long enough.”
Simon sat down at his desk again, with the case solved he could not believe that he was already bored. He had not so much as gone out of his office to the bathroom the entire morning.
“Is that right?” She said. She sat on the edge of his desk.
“That is definitely right.”
“So there was not a copycat serial killer after all. Parkview came by yesterday and filled me in.”
“No just two little girls being haunted by the father they believed to be their uncle.”
“Yeah heard about that too. And Short?”
“Left not too long ago, back to the MBI.”
“Boss lady gone yet?” Gina asked.
“Yeah I think she packed everything before she came to see you. I'm sure she will be back to say goodbye though.”
“Yeah I'm sure too. So Sergeant we never got the time to discuss what happened between us.” Simon smiled at her, he got out of his chair, closed and locked the door and shut the blinds. He sat back down and smiled at her.
“Well I have time to talk now.” Castle said.
“Don't put me on the spot Sergeant.” She giggled.
“Hey you wanted to talk about it, so lets talk about it.” Castle fumbled with some papers on his desk pretending to work.
“I don't really want to talk about it.” Gina admitted.
“Okay we don't have to talk about it.” Simon replied.
“You have an answer for everything don't you?” She asked.
“No I don't.”
Gina did not bother to speak again, she leaned down and grabbed Simon's tie and pulled him closer. As their lips met he shivered, she gave him a 'you are welcome' smile between kisses. Their tongues danced with vigor massaging, searching, neither of them knowing exactly what to do with their hands. Finally he decided to place his hands on her thighs. Now it was her turn to shiver. He did not bother smiling a welcome, he pushed his chair back and took off his suit jacket. She helped him undo his belt and within seconds his pants were down around his ankles. She stood up from his desk and immediately dropped down. He followed her with his eyes. She looked up at him as she took him in her mouth. He moaned loudly, and she tried to smile again but he was already too big and rapidly growing with each movement. She let him drop out of her mouth just long enough to push him back in the chair. At the last minute he had to grab hold of the desk to catch himself. The rolling chair almost rolled out from underneath him. They laughed quietly. She took him in her mouth again once she made sure he was more comfortable. He was not sure what to do with his hands again. He always hated when men in porn movies forced their partners head down on them. The gagging noise was never a turn on, in fact the thought almost made him gag. He ran his fingers through her hair. He was hard in her mouth and to Gina it seemed like he would never stop growing and although that was definitely a good thing, she was almost scared.
She stood up in front of him and undress, he reached out and touch different parts of her body. Her stomach, flat and smooth looked like caramel. Her thighs looked warm and strong, her legs muscular but not overly so. He stood up and ran his hand over the scratches that were still on her neck. He gave her a look of concern and she shrug. He kissed each scratch softly his hand caressing her naked ass. Her breath got heavier in his ear. She gently this time, pushed him back in to the chair and climb on top of him. Slowly she sat down on all of him. He filled her perfectly. She moaned loudly but neither of them laughed. She moved slowly like a snake dancing on top of him. He thought about how she would look up against a stripper pole and Gina could feel him still hardening inside of her.
She continued to move as slowly as possible. She wanted to drive him crazy. His hands were working their way up and down her body, he grabbed hold of her hips and tried to force her to move faster. She smiled at him, not giving him the pleasure of controlling it. When he tried again, she climbed off of him. She stood back and she enticed him with movements he never knew her body could make. She was doing yoga, lifting one leg up towards the sky giving him a glimpse of the wet hot spot he was longing for. He stood up and she released her leg, walking around the desk.
“I'm not going to chase you.” He said.
“We will see, won't we?” She replied and sure enough he came around the desk, she went to the other side and he followed her. He quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her closely to him.
“Why are you running?”
“I'm not running. I just want to take things really slow.”
“Is that right, you know I can play the teasing game too.” He said. She turned around and grabbed him, tightly but not so much that it hurt. She began stroking him slowly.
“Lets see it then, tease me.” Gina said stroking him faster.
“Okay, you got me Detective, now fuck me.” He held her ass tight afraid she was going to run away again. When she wiggled away, she smiled and turned around.
He entered her from behind, she moaned so loudly that he stopped for a moment to make sure no one would knock on his door. She reached back and pulled him closer by the tie. He kissed her back as he made love to her. She moaned the harder he moved, he moan as she was grinding back onto him. Just before they were both about to explode she pushed him away.
“What are you doing?” He asked as she started to get dressed. “Gina I get it, you want to tease me, believe you have done your job. Get back over here. Come on baby please.”
“You know I love when a man begs.” She said.
She did not say a word after that, she just got dress and left him standing there naked and looking silly. He was in shock that she had stopped in the middle of making love. Neither of them had to be at the station today and she knew that if she did not get him to go home he would not. So she quietly unlocked the door and turned around and smiled at him.
“We can finish this, but you have to find me first Sergeant. I promise I will make it worth your while.” She blew him a kiss and left his office.
He quickly ran over – his manhood bobbing up and down as he did – to lock the door. He got dressed as quickly and left the office. In his car he went back and forth over whether or not he should grab a bag from his home now or leave Gina's house tonight and have to return home before going to the station in the morning. Would she even let him stay the night again? Or would she make him leave? He wondered if she was just playing him or could he be reading the signs correctly, were they falling in love? When she called him that night she had said she wanted him, she knew he would come, she knew she could have him, will she have him forever? The scene went on over and over in his mind.
He went home to grab a bag of clothes but was surprised to find her at his place instead of hers. She was already undress, still breathing heavy, she knew he would be right behind her. She was starting the shower when he entered the bedroom. He could see her naked body, still warm, even more wet. He undressed and joined her. Making love to Gina the first time had been all that he wanted and more. His town was safe but having her as his from now on? That would make his life worth living even more.